Saturday, August 5, 2023

the maths of design

Here is for you a brilliant piece my editor blogged long ago. Just thought it would be apt to share. First, the interesting para:

“How many editors read Edward Tufte?” I have asked such people, and then embarked on a lecture on who Tufte is. Tufte is an American academic best known for his work on depicting data. His books on the subject, including The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, Envisioning Information, and Beautiful Evidence are seminal works in the area. He also wrote a celebrated article in Wired magazine titled PowerPoint Is Evil.
As a student of math myself, I have recommended Tufte to art directors in every place where I have worked, including Mint too, where, I must confess, the person in question has taken my advice and read Tufte.
....While on the subject of graphics, here is an extremely interesting one I came across (hat-tip to Boingboing).


For full version, go here.

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